Want to introduce someone to Alice in Chains? Need some songs to fill out a playlist? Then here’s our selection of some of the best Alice in Chains songs.


Starting with “No Excuses”, is a great choice. It’s one of the most radio-friendly tracks in the band’s catalog that still features some great guitar and drumwork. The song was famously written to talk about the changing relationships within the band. Especially between guitarist Jerry Cantrell and singer Layne Staley.


Next, you have to check out “Hollow”, which is a rocking tune written during the band’s second era. It is probably one of the best examples of the harmony between Cantrell and DuVall’s vocal work with exquisite backing by Kinney and Inez. It has that grunge goodness that helped launch the band in the first place.


Finally, let’s talk about “Man in the Box” which is arguably Alice in Chains’ best and most well-known song. Many critics point to this track as THE band’s GOAT, as it put them on the music map. In fact, it’s distinct sound is often what fans point to as “peak Alice in Chains”. A huge part of this comes up to Staley’s lyrics as it discusses censorship.